Does Your Bio Make Sense?

Most of us in the business world have felt the pressure of the ever dreaded “About Me” page. What do we say? Is it okay to gently brag on ourselves? How much do we mention, and what parts should we leave out? Never to fear, bios aren’t the easiest activity! Here are a couple tips to make it read a little easier.

Photo provided by Fourth Dimension Photography


Act Natural

Readers can smell fake a mile away, and a bio is no different. Say things that come naturally to you, and if you feel like you’re reaching for something – leave it alone. There’s no reason to tell that one story from 10th grade (unless it’s applicable to how you do business now). Keep things simple, orderly, and natural!

Photo provided by Fourth Dimension Photography

Don’t Overshare

This heavily ties into “Act Natural” by not oversharing your entire life story. A bio doesn’t typically need to be over 300 words. Actually, I recommend for bios to be between 150-200 words maximum. You’re just giving some highlights of you, your life, and your business, there’s no need to share your entire life! Save that for your autobiography down the road.

Photo provided by Fourth Dimension Photography

Leave Them Wanting More

A bio is intended to give information without giving an overabundance of it. Throw some humor in there, ask a couple questions, and engage your reader. Chances are if they enjoy your bio, they may enjoy grabbing a cup of coffee with you in the near future! Over coffee is when you can share that one story from 10th grade.


If you’re working on your bio and feeling a little stuck, don’t be shy – shoot me an email! I’d be happy to let you know where to tweak it.


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