3 Steps to Improve Your Website

Photo provided by Fourth Dimension Photography

A quick search of “Best Website Practices” on google will pull of “20+ tips for making your website POP” or “15 tricks to implement in your website now.” I’m not going for that today, I just want to give a couple practical (and pretty easy) suggestions to help your website today.

White Space is Your Friend

There’s no need to fill every crevice and blank space of your website with text, pictures, or testimonials. In fact, having white space on your website helps direct the user’s eyes as they navigate throughout your page. Strategically placed information and photos along the way give website visitor’s information without overloading them.

Find the Right Pictures

This is huge: pictures on your website need to convey your brand’s messaging as well as your overall mission. When applicable, I suggest to my client’s to use a professional photographer to take photos of their product, team, and anything else they might like! Having your own photos on your website boosts SEO and makes your brand stand out.

Photo provided by Fourth Dimension Photography

Better Words: CTAs

Grab a couple of your closest friends, send over your website, and ask for honest and clear feedback including:

1. What does my business do/offer/promise?

2. Is my website easy to navigate?

3. Were all the links clickable?

Asking pointed questions will help you decide what needs fixing and what is better left alone. When going through the content on your website, make sure it is clear (please don’t read “cute” or “clever”), straightforward, and ends in a call to action (otherwise known as CTA). Calls to action can include “Want more info? or “Sign up now to receive your FREE eBook!” Adding appropriate CTAs and clear content makes your website easier to navigate and user friendly.

Working these small adjustments into your website will make it easily readable and navigable. Needing some help? I’m always ready to chat! Drop me a line and let’s clean up your online presence.


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